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Travel and Switzerland

As a part of the EMBA program that I am finishing this year (yeah!!!) I have a foriegn business excursion. For my trip, we are hitting Europe: Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic and England. We started our trip today… or was it yesterday? I know we started on a plane at 8:30am on Friday morning and we arrived in Switzerland today at 7am. That was a long trip and I am not sure how I will handle the jet lag. I tried staying up most of the night before the trip and then sleep most of the trip over the Atlantic. I always discount the fact, though, that I can’t sleep while traveling. Ah well. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow. I am still pretty tired.
Well, as for today, we have already visited the Swiss Temple (I’ve added the group picture)
One of our next stops was Kleine Scheidegg. Basically, a high mountain pass in the Alps. The shack on the right is the lookout tower that gives you a view in both directions. The photo doesn’t do the size of the mountain in the background any justice….
In Kleine Scheidegg (basically a ski resort) there was a red cow outside one of the shops. No idea what it was, but many of us decided to take a photo around it…
This is (as per our tour guide) a Swiss traffic jam. All the roads around are fairly small and narrow and life is pretty casual. The larger cities have a 100k people or so, so there are not a whole lot of ways to cause a jam besides cattle.
This is the view from Grund (where we took the cogwheel train to Kleine Scheidegg). Pretty impressive.
And here is the bus that we ride around in. The yellow submarine… It is pretty nice as far as buses go.
Well, I am off to do some touring in Grindelwald. We (there are several of us contacting family and otherwise using computers) keep getting laughed at by people walking by in robes. It does seem a little funny that we go all the way to Switzerland to use our computers. But I will keep it to a minimum.
Categories: Travel
  1. Lizzie
    May 23, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    You finally blogged! I am so proud of you!!!I am glad to see that you are having fun on your trip. Do you think that the red cow might have anything to do with the red cow you see on those circular cheeses? Do you have any idea what I am talking about?Or it might just have to do with the Red Cross Organization there, seeing as there is a red cross on his hoof. Oh, well. We\’ll find out someday.I already can\’t wait for your homecoming! Have fun!Love,LizzieP.S. Thank you for the candy bar. I ate it as an afterschool snack yesterday… or was it two days ago? Whatever.

  2. Lizzie
    May 23, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    Wow. The last time you wrote was in 2005.Write me back!

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